The National Expert on financial privacy and asset protection, Mr. Land Trust®, has agreed to deliver a presentation for us during which he is going to explain how protecting your assets can actually cut your cost of real estate investing. All you have to do is attend this meeting and listen! You’ll want to take good notes, too, because
Mr. Land Trust® will explain to you how you can:
- Make bigger profits when selling on an installment contract
- Eliminate the risk of selling on a note or contract
- Make more money when selling on a lease-option
- Eliminate confrontations with tenants
- Combine this one essential step with LLC’s for dy-no-mite asset protection
- Avoid due-on-sale, transfer taxes, re-assessment upon sale and seasoning issues
- Obtain privacy of ownership and avoid frivolous lawsuits
Did you know that as real estate investors we can create financial privacy and asset protection at NO COST to us! That’s right, it costs NOTHING for you and your family to be more secure.
Mr. Land Trust®, Randy Hughes, is just an investor like you and me. His “day job” is and has been real estate investing. He’s been doing it for more than 5 decades. Randy specializes in the single-family house business. When you listen to him reveal Land Trusts Made Simple®; The Cornerstone of Financial Security and ask him your questions, you’ll be talking with someone who understands you and your business.
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Nate Hare is an expert on self-directed IRAs and has been a contributor to US News and World Report and Fox Morning News. He has helped educate thousands of individual investors on how to properly use self-directed IRAs, 401ks, and more.